
and the author was a douche for sarcastically making fun of the way some fans decided to spend their own money and time, in a way that brings them and many others entertainment and joy. We’re all douches on this blessed day I guess.

And yet the only thing you’ve really accomplished with this article is driving even more traffic and subscribers to his channel, ironically enough the very same subject of your not so subtle jabs at Felix and his fans. Hope the clicks and circlejerk were worth it at least lol

Damn I didn’t know about that extension either lol. Again out of curiosity I ran it and browsed a bunch of popular posts in r/livestreamfail and I seriously struggled to find that many The_donald users, even in posts about twitch “thots”, sjw and the like, sure they were there, but they might have been less than 1% of

those are lots of assumptions, how do u even effectively measure how big subreddit crossovers like those are tho, especially considering the “no politics” rule? checking every single user’s post history? do reddit mods have tools i’m not aware of?

Listen... I’m happy that this dude struck gold with his twitch career because from what I can tell he’s hardworking and all that, but I think this is getting a little out of hand for him, it’s clear that he’s overextending way too much, Ellen was already a stretch in my opinion, this just feel like throwing pop

Expressing a personal esthetic preference for women without makeup is the same as 13 years old telling a woman in her stream that she’s an ugly cow without makeup? He just said he likes the natural look that no makeup brings most times, he’s not shitting on anybody. Saying that to me blondes are more attractive is

I’m Italian so I can chime in on this. The Italian language is far richer in grammar and content than English, so it allows a shitton of variation, and in my opinion, knowing the language, I can say that the chance that these two translations are as close as they are just because of coincidence is borderline

guys I think we’ve found Hideo Kojima Kinja account.

what i gathered from watching twitch streamers is that the bullets are now projectiles and have drop they’re not hitscan like normal multiplayer. in a mode like this having hitscan would be way too overpowered.

i legit can not believe this is a real photo, it can’t be, it’s just too weird.

to be honest that’s all i wanted to hear, if it’s anything like the kh games of that era i’m totally fine with it, it’s actually the games that came after 2006 that were lackluster.

not to mention the fact that twitch is hyper saturated right now compared to when those guys were getting their sub buttons, getting a sub button without the affiliate program would be waaaaay harder now than it was then. i just see this program as a way to actually give a fighting chance to small streamers

you basically just described one of the biggest streamer on twitch: LIRIK, dude is short, fat and “not hot”, doesn’t stream with a cam, if it’s not a game he plays constantly for 6 hours a day like fortine or PUBG he’s pretty bad at videogames, he quite often gets triggered by entitled fans and tells them to do nasty

i agree that the story itself was garbage in 4 but the characters was what made that game story wise, dante, agnus and trish being the highlights, dmc had a better story on paper but its execution through dialogue and characters was seriously subpar.

it definitely was a bit of that, but let’s be honest the game just wasn’t as good as the 2 previous games and that was what ultimately sealed its fate for the hardcore fans: the characters weren’t as iconic or well designed(they absolutely butchered vergil imo), the dialogues and overall story were waaaaaay more

what about prostate cancer? it’s basically as deadly and widespread as breast cancer, maybe even more(one study found that almost half of men aged greater than 60 years had prostate cancer and some estimates say 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with PC in their lifetime) but there is way less focus on that than on breast

this really makes you realize how goddamn easy it is to manipulate people in general. if a colour is all it takes just image how effective ads, loot boxes or even more complex systems are on our minds, it’s kind of scary to think that we really don’t have as much control on our choices as we might think, we might not

i mean... he didn’t die but by the end of the game he was punished pretty bad, the player basically killed his whole family because of his actions and was about to arrest him, you basically won but then an apocalyptic event unrelated to the actions of the cult stops you from doing so, it’s more about bad luck than