The Drucifer

Who you calling scruffy?


The same way you fuck a suck, with practice. Nice reference btw

Laughing at old LOST forum posts while rolling, naked, in a pile of money?

Wow…It seems such a simple, obvious joke, but no one, absolutely no one…I applaud you.

The Keep sure was batty. Shame the petitions for the directors cut never had any wings.

Ahhh! You got me…phew…

I see nothing wrong with this. Executive meddling has done nothing but improve the D.C. Films…oh! My ears are bleeding.

Razzle fucking dazzle

Never play kholat if you hate the male and compass in firewatch

Ep 2 feels like a punishment. It's the 21st century to your room with no dinner.

Don't get me wrong it's a shitty movie but I can watch it.

The only one I can even get through is Ep 1. Mainly due to Jake Lloyd.

Phantom Menace gets the hate Attacl of the Clones deserves. TPM fundamentally works as a film AotC doesn't even work as a bowel movement.



I think his aesthetic fits well with D.C. Is currently doing. Shame he isn't economically viable.

I heard Schumacher is available.

It really is a terrible sequel to ALIEN that somehow ends up being one of the best sequels ever made

Don't forget John Smallberries