Big McLargeHuge

There is no one I’d find more qualified to be SecDef than Mattis.

You’d want to poke a Marine Corps 4-star General in the face?

Torn between praising you for shot composition 101 and punching you in the taint for using a STI/WRX as an example

He made my baby fall in love with me!

Yeah but who put the ram in the ram a lam a ding dong?

What BUD/s class were you in again?

‘Quiet Professionals’ are the moniker of the Army Special Forces.

I first heard the term in the movie “Tombstone”

You obviously have to realize that these people are the “best of the best of the best” at killing the ever loving fuck out of other people.

We live with the choices we make.

Came here for this. Was not disappointed.

So, stop doing it when your dog grows up.

The first Resident Evil movie.

Great. Now we’ve gotta surrender our socks

Just need to make it a 50 ton road block. Mobility kill until someone with heavier ordnance can come in and mop up.

lol gawker uprising? Please. With no guns, all that’s left now is to throw their molotov lattes and hope their SAPI Macbook plates stop 5.45x39mm

I dunno......

Pff yeah right.

Steel ain’t lead and steel don’t kill as good as lead does.