Big McLargeHuge

Did CAH hurt your fee-fees? Do you need a safespace?

The cigars and whiskey kill the germs though that cause cancer in the meat

You had me until you mentioned Costco

how much ammo before you have to reload?

what makes you think stricter gun control laws don’t help?

I’m not sure. I wonder if any Australians are here to help us. I don’t believe they’ve had any mass shootings since they got rid of their guns.

Hats don’t talk.

My mistake, sorry.


Lots of people do just fine without cars

Nonsense. The moment they said they bought an AMD video card was the moment I threw out everything I had read up until that point as complete trash.

Could tell by the pixels, huh

Don’t listen to these rose-colored asshats.

Fair point. Those machines are a pain in the ass to clean

Hard to make a good duxelles without a food processor.

I was hoping for an Outbreak reference but not quite this one.

Everyone’s a fucking Jet Li Jackie Chan Kung Fu Navy Seal, let me tell you.