Big McLargeHuge

Yeah yeah yeah. And AR15's are jamomatics

Sorry bru, they’re not the same

Yeah no thanks. I’ll stick with my $15 silkies.

Yeah no thanks. I’ll stick with my $15 silkies.

Shut the fuck up and eat your soylent bar.

Rabbits belong to the order lagomorpha.

I dunno, that Colion Noir fellow seems to do pretty good for all the old white bigots

The image alone gave the media PTSD

Yeah yeah yeah.

There, fixed it for you.

I read the subject line, paused. Took a breath, had a long blink and said to my self:

And this is what happens when Gawker shuts its doors.

I’m talking about how to look good

Right, because hair makes a man.

You’re the real hero of this article.

What you described is what already happens. When a manufacturer produces a product negligently.

Nah they decided to use a lead tamper instead of the planned Uranium tamper.

Gotta upgrade to the PS4 Pro, bro.

You’re kidding me right? This has been gawker network (or whatever the hell it’s called now) modus operandi for years.