Big McLargeHuge

Bingo. I can’t ever seem to pin down the exact cause but it’s always been a user profile issue.

Follow this link to create win 10 Media (either USB or disk)

Create a new profile, scrub the old one. “Problem solved” :\

You can say “bitching”. It’s okay.

From what I can gather, the win 10 start menu is somehow disassociated from the user profile.

YASSSSSSSSSSSS Muthafuckin Rammstein

But this fuckin’ steel book tho (Japan only, if I recall)

Then I ask you to post your sources for your information.

lol check my posting history and you’ll see I’m firmly not in the “possessed by satan” camp.


Where are they getting the power and water to drill?

Wrong. PBR

Check your local AARP chapter, grandpa!


I must be weird because I have no issue falling asleep where ever and when ever I need to.

Fuckin A

Read the sheet, pal. Right at the top. “Material Safety Data Sheet”