I, for one, welcome our new trash panda overlords.
I, for one, welcome our new trash panda overlords.
+1 giggity
+1 trash bag full of popcorn
I worked at a university (not in a supervisory role) and in the summers, I would wear polos with nice shorts (basically golf course attire). My body temp is insanely high and my co-workers knew this. For 7 year’s it was a non issue until a new director came in and said shorts were unprofessional.
I’ve found not only does it feel better, but I sweat less, notice less BO (not that there was much; I wear antiperspirant/deodorant, but after exercise you still notice a bit of it has been a while since applying), and there’s less underarm staining in light colored shirts.
+1 fish + 1 light bulb
+.001 cents per transaction (...in theory)
I can't wait til he starts selling "It Works!" wraps, Advocare, and essential oils.
They'll be a real Challenger this year
I’m outraged after reading those text messages.
One of the guys I play pick-up games with played in it, so I care lol.
+1 hammock (and pocketful of sugar)
He's no Kenny Powers.
This photo is straight out of an episode of Atlanta.
+3 all right's
Then she never gets put in a corner.
I remember someone making the exact same setup in college. They failed to check for rocks under the tarp.
Shouldn't be too much of a surprise -- James has been receding for a while and Kyrie was always one step away from going over the edge.