the Donx

I’m surprised they don’t swap batteries

No worries and thanks. I was interested in it because it looks like the ‘stealth’ livery in Gran Turismo games I didn’t know Nissan actually made cars with it. Looks like it was actually raced too.

Any pictures of that Datsun with that ‘stealth’ livery in the 9th photo?

It’s not... Mario Kart is chaotic when it comes to who actually comes up on top, just look at the blue shell

Kirby would be great, he does have his own kart game so he fit in well

No 2020 is sufficient, it’ll deprecate like all other Korean premium cars.

If you mean the $120M in infrastructure developments to a private company than yeah, no incentives at all.

Seems like a thing with these electric car startups. The Model X must suck for the second row kiddies getting out to school.

Getting government to stop choosing winners = Wanting Monopolization.

I think it’s more likely Musk is enjoying the work of his business partner Peter Thiel has done to Gawker.