
If also David Cross was the voice of the ghost, then it would be awesome.

Came here to see commenter insinuate this death was a false flag. Pleasantly disappointed!

Most Japanese Glitch Ever 10/10

I’m psyched for next gen over-the-top VATS mayhem.

I’ve broken L3 on two controllers cuz of that game. :P

This seems inspired by the deadly Cucco swarms in Zelda games.

That would explain why we see environments ranging from vibrant to desolate... everything outside the umbrella of the Institute’s missile defense system could be just as wasted as the Capital. Very excited to explore this new world.

Two theories: either we’ll be modding our power armour this time around, or we’ll have to earn it by finding it piece by piece.

I’m guessing this is an agent of the Synth Retention Bureau. So much about this shot screams “Blade Runner”!

I wonder if the colours are not simply an aesthetic choice... I get the impression that this corner of the world is not quite as radioactive as the Capital wasteland.

That would be my favourite approach. I have no problem kicking my whole backlog to the curb whenever Fallout 4 happens to arrive. :)

It’s not like they’re gonna announce it and then drop it two months later. I have only faint hope for a 2015 release...

I promise to use “close-fetched” as much as possible.

CBC San Francisco report that shortly after the service stopped working, nt one, not two, but FIVE PEOPLE called 911.

So when I travel Europe, do I have to change my t-shirt at each border crossing?

I'd say he has neither the power to save a bad script or sink a great script. People are too obsessed with casting.

Sandbox Mario... no levels, just an open world and 250 stars to find.

Did you just describe a 3DS XL with the 3D slider off?

I usually base it on the perspective of the game. If it's 1st person, I feel I *am* the character so I play male. If it's 3rd person, it's more like watching a movie so I go fem. Not for eye candy but because it usually makes for a more interesting "movie" without the generic male lead. Bonus if I'm allowed to choose

"The enemy is you from two levels ago"