The Discovery Of Slood

I remember it being used at my primary school in the late 90s/ early noughties. It's possible they picked it up from American TV shows.

The tiger version is much more widespread in the UK as well, although the racist version may be less obscure among older people.

Weirdly he always phrased it as: 'nineteen hundred and ninety-eight and three'.

Ha! How ludicrous! I can't wait to tell my little Jaime and Cersei about that. How they'll laugh and laugh…

They tried making a group for people with avoidant personalities, but no-one showed up.

Ouroboros! I knew there was a proper word for it but it escaped me!
I'm somewhat inclined to defend the idea behind the 'monster' stuff, as it does make sense that she would have trauma from her upbringing and I think it a tad unfair to separate 'I'm a monster because I'm infertile' from the context of 'I'm a monster

T.b.h. it was a bit ridiculous of me to bring my frustrations with the snake-eating-its-own-tail aspects of more political forums to a comics discussion section where any amount of frivolity/venting should be encouraged, so thanks for your polite response.
The 'mewling quim' thing was a bit bizarre, I remember my

Yeah, (perhaps seeming contrary to my original comment) I don't really want to quibble about sexual assault interpretation on the internet either. I pretty much agree with you on the Carpenter thing, it's understandable that he found it difficult to include repeated pregnancies and absences in the narrative but it

"can only ever come up with sexual assault to make them more sympathetic to the viewers instead of bothering to give them actual motivations."
Huh? Maybe I'm going mad, but I can't really think of an example of him doing this?

Would it help to think of it as one 144-episode season?

Don't think of them as six 22 episode seasons and a 12 episode season, think of them as 144 one-episode seasons.

Umm, yes … the Democrats have little appeal to people who don't (justifiably) fear persecution under the Republicans. Having established this, how do you suggest they gain the 'precious little votes' they need to win? I don't think many serious observers are suggesting that they should abandon equality in policy, just

Typical cuck-LIEberal participation trophy bullsh*t!!! This sort of unnumerated list of TV shows is exactly why we voted for The Donald!!!!

Yes that's true, although I think part of it is down to writing style as well. My comment comes across as far more aggregate negative than my actual feelings towards the book, it's just that my complaints were easier summarise for a short mention.

As this seems to be the impromptu Dickens thread, I'll add that I'm reading Bleak House here. The first of his I've read since A Christmas Carol in school, I'm enjoying it despite (or because of) his over the top characterisation and point-belabouring.
Also The Force of Poetry by Christopher Ricks, an essay collection,

They tried to nod to the history of Harlem quite a lot though, in a sort of hilariously clunky way:
-"Y'know, Duke Ellington used to live in that apartment"
-*random zoom in on Ralph Ellison book*
-"Y'know, that building is named after ONE OF OUR GREATEST HEROES "
-"Y'know, James Baldwin once took a piss behind those

"… anxiously."

I've been doing this until about a minute ago, when I read your post. I now have a sort of crushing unease about my entire existence.

Donald Trump, President? Not the Donald Trump? Not the President?

I'm not trying to mischaracterize anything, I just think you're being a bit puritanical about the 'meat-space' element. There would indeed be two distinct instances of Yorkie, but both would have continuity of experience, knowledge and personality with the original, so both would be 'her' for a given value of 'her.'