
I can bc i’m a pilot dawg, fly planes impregnate wenches!

Sorry but your arguement is stupid. German level of reliability is a worlds difference from Alfa relibaility, be it VAG, BMW or MB. Now you might have some kind of prejudicial bias against VAG products, kinda funny in a little kid ignorance type of way, but it there is no denying VAG would make Alfa better and

That’s what needs to happen actually. It will make them better. The german blood lifeline has helped and done wonders for the other italian marquees.

Even those people, when they aren’t #trackbro or #racecarbruh will want their fucking stero/nav to work when they are using the car to.... you know... be a fucking car. It’s 2016, not 1966. You want to sell cars, they need to do more than just look good and drive good.

That would be too logical for the DOT.

Go back to your kitchen.

Son of a bitch.

But you’re not taking into consideration that before buying a Vette, you have to buy ed hardy shirts and a very expensive 24 carrat gold chain. This can set you back another $2K, if you do it correctly. Please factor this into the price of the cars, I’m not sure what the cost of 24C gold was in 10 year increments from

One of the very very very few reasons to go to Texas.

Fuck the entire piece of shit state of Virginia.

Glorified A4s, but close enough.

So? Why are you comparing the two, i’m strictly talking about APR and their claims here. IDC what that mustang runs, no mustang aside from the new GT350 impresses me.

Ya VW fanboys live and die by APR. I never said the EA888 didn’t have great potential, it does. There’s no question about that. But the shit APR feeds it’s VW and AUDI fanboys is swallowed without much doubt, and that bothers me.

Or Lambos.

Now playing

APR is full of shit. And their VW fanboys will belive any bullshit they push onto them. I was an Audi guy for a long time, and time has only taught me to stay away from these frauds.

shut up bitch.

It will sound like a monster, but looks wise, gimme a 918 over this any day.

This is sports journalism in a nut shell. And the egos all these clowns have is unreal. LETS DEBATE ABOUT GREAT THINGS ACTUAL GREAT PEOPLE ARE DOING! They are all worthless.

E63 over this piece of shit ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.

You’re not going to do 11.7 with a Golf R simply by strapping “stage II” kit on it. I garuntee it. Stop beliveing and reading into the bullshit APR hype. It CAN do 11.7, but a bunch of other supporting mods, on a really COOL day, with ideal DA and 100 octane gas.