
JD power. take a look.

Yes we know.

lol there’s nothing threatening the superiority complex. A shitty ford will always be a shitty ford. Hey maybe you can buy an Audi S4 after 4 years or so when it’s finally in your price range.

Agreed. Major fuck up not keeping the side blade. It was a simple, yet very signature design mark for the R8s.

Lol People buying brand new S classes do not care about your peasant opinion. Also it’s the interior that matters. Sit inside an C class, then an S class and see the difference.

Yes It would. The Germans belive in underpromising and over delivering. As apposed to the Americans, overpromising and under delivering.

There are rumors that the Germans measure and rate HP as ‘The amount of HP you get will be AT LEAST 333hp and 325lb-ft of TQ in extreme conditions.’ As apposed to American manufacturers, who rate their engines and HP in ideal engine conditions.

The Audis are also severly underrated. The old B8 S4 did 0-60 in 4.4 seconds with “only 333HP”. The new one is lighter, and has more power/TQ, so expect it to do 0-60 in at least 4.4 or better..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. They guy was clearly a Jalop, because he wanted a RR and the only one he can afford are the last gen.

It still applies to you and the BRZ/FRS twins though. I drive something a lot more involving, powerful, and much better built. That’s all you need to know.

Or.. you know... just buy spreadable butter. SMFH fucking dumb bitch.

LOL it took them 9 years to finally refine the interior to acceptable levels of a 100K price tag?


ahahahahahahaha Now I see why you’re stalking me on jalop. Hahahahahahahaha.

Shut up fag.

Do you love me or do you want to blow me?! I’m flattered by all the jalop stalking, but seriously, no thanks!

loooll I found the woman.

The B8 S4 was/is/always will be THE BEST S4 Audi ever made. It’s reliable, fast, fun to drive, came in 6mt and had that amazing DSG. IT SHITS on B5 S4 purists, who spend more time fixing their dumps than driving them.

If you aren’t buying a brand new car off the lot in Manual, you aren’t saving the manuals dumbass.

Lmao, aww you sound like a BMW fanboy who had his 335 doors blown off by a chipped B8 S4. The B8 chasis is the best S4 by far, stage 2 cars destroy Stage 3 B5 S4s all day. Without breaking. Clown.