The Dire And The Duro

This wasn’t a rape trial, so don’t call them rape victims. Rape has nothing to do with this case at all

Perhaps, but not in anticipation of a crucial trial when you’re not supposed to be in contact with each other.

The alleged victims were the “clients” of the crown, that’s now how this works. The prosecution could only go with the information that the alleged victims chose to disclose in their statements. They don’t really interview them themselves or prep them. It’s not a normal lawyer-client relationship. They can only work

Not what they did, what they lied about

There was barely a fight precisely because the alleged victims kept information from them. They can only work with what they have. The three witnesses held crucial details from their various statements, and it bit them in the ass. Had they been more forthcoming with information, the prosecutors could have done a

The judge did nothing wrong. His decision was right and there is no legal way you can argue that he made the wrong call. What you should say is “fuck the alleged victims that lied under oath, committed perjury and colluded together, ruining any chance at a proper conviction”. Because as shitty as it seems, that’s the

How would you prefer the law worked? That any time you think someone is guilty, or that a woman claims a guy is guilty, he should automatically go to jail without even a trial? Because that’s what many feminists seem to think should happen.

And that obviously lied under oath, committed perjury and colluded together. All things that were proven by the defense during cross-examination.

And that three separate women on three separate occasions were caught lying under oath or with inconsistencies in their various statements. So, without anything else to go by, with no other “smoking gun”, how else can the judge be convinced that the man is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? He can’t. And that’s what he

Well at least had they disclosed it the prosecution could have maybe managed to put forth a better strategy rather than being caught off guard like everyone else.

Because they lied about it. Full stop. The post-assault conduct is “irrelevant” in the sense that it can’t be the sole basis for determining whether or not the alleged victim’s testimony is persuasive. But the conduct itself is still relevant in the sens that it is needed to paint a better picture of what happened.

The only people to blame are the alleged victims. They went to the press first (big no-no from a legal standpoint), they withheld information from the police and they colluded among themselves. Had they been completely honest in their police reports about EVERYTHING, including the stuff that may have made them look

It was up to the witnesses to disclose that information to the police when they gave their statements. The prosecutors only have what they get, they didn’t really spend a lot of time with the alleged victims and you’re not really allowed to tell a witness what to say. The alleged victims fucked everything up

You are incredibly dense and an irredeemable moron. Please don’t speak about this subject any more, you can’t add anything of substance to the discussion and it’s a chore to correct you with actual knowledge of the legal system that is easy to understand with a simple google search.

The whole point of disclosing that information which may or may not have painted them in a bad light is so that the prosecution can address it properly. By knowing about it in advance, the prosecution would have examined the witnesses differently to soften the blow considerably. I also don’t see how the Judge would

But the women DID lie. On the stand. It’s in plain black and white in the decision. They committed perjury. That’s lying. How else do you want to spin this?

I wrote this as a reply to someone else that made the same mistake you did: blaming the prosecution

It is not the prosecution alone that fucked up. The fuck up stems from a combination of the police, the prosecution and the alleged victims themselves. The victims withheld information, colluded and were willfully

Because you have a constitutional right against self-incrimination. Ghomeshi was being accused of a crime. It is up to the people accusing him to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he did those things. Ghomeshi doesn’t have to prove that he is innocent, they have to prove that he is guilty. That is how criminal

Thank the alleged victims for sinking their own case. The Judge made the right decision based on what happened in court.

Anyone that followed the trial closely has known that Ghomeshi would get off. The Judge made the right call and there is no possible way of arguing that he made a mistake.

It is not the prosecution alone that fucked up. The fuck up stems from a combination of the police, the prosecution and the alleged victims