
Looked at headline. Scrolled through photos. Saw transmission: NP. Brown, longroof, manual... three out of four ain’t bad!

Yeah. Super Van City was expensive back in the day. So I got Toolbox City instead.

I’m sooo hoping that “Vincent Michel” is a typo and this was actually found by Jan Michael Vincent.

“One ping, Vasily. One ping only.”

“Job Done” - wheeler dealer reference?
“Don’t Care” - Gina Grad reference?

This was the exact car I was waiting on to trade my 2013 TDI. Why couldn’t they have waited 2 more years to get caught?

Honestly! The Alltrack is literally begging for a diesel engine. With it I believe it would be able to persuade more buyers away from the Outback because with it, it’d be worth the higher sticker price.

To sheds you say?

To shreds you say? And his wife?

Now playing

This video has a better angle on the whole twin-stick antics:

So, the secret to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss?

more like...


Neat that the radio news had JUST mentioned an overturned vehicle.

I do make $100k/year and I support him. I dont want anything for free (except free Uber rides like that guy in Funbag lucked into) but I would appreciate it if roads and bridges were maintained/improved.

They both got nothing on Sisko.