The Die Fledermaus

Hagire Rinichirō - his resume includes: Building Deadman Wonderland so he could abduct prisoners and transfer his mind into the most physically fit one. He conducted research on how to heighten a person's immune system. He did this by repeatedly torturing a grade school girl who had the power to heal and

My thoughts on Falling Skies.. 1) Really there's going to be a 4th season? and 2) adding another kid/young person to the cast. Is that what the show really needs?

That's a real downer. Unfortunately I completely agree with you.

I just can't believe that Samuel Jackson went through that whole interview without 1 swear word. I sense some editing was done.

Thank you for Wikipedia for this description: "Baltar is described as "weak", "arrogant" and "a coward" by Lee Adama while Caprica Six describes Baltar as "narcissistic, self-centred, feckless and vain." "

This reminds me of something...

Now playing

The best thing about this years Shark Week:

There's a list for this:

There are 14 cities listed and 7 of them are in California, yet the happiness rating for the state is lower than 7 other states. I deduct that the citizens outside of California's 7 happy cities must be pretty unhappy. Also I'm from Texas and it's 102 degrees outside and that makes me slightly unhappy.

Place your bets. Which do you think will succeed and which will crash?:


The former citizens of Alderaan disagree with #3

Maybe we're just not that interesting.

What NASA should have sent :

My ex wife was into the indigo thing when our kids were born, so I read the damn books. Like most scams they start off with enough good advice (feed your kids nutritious foods, encourage them, etc). Then they slowly add the crazy, wack-a-doodle bullshit (your kid is the next step in human evolution, they can see

For comparison: I think more than a couple of years has passed since season 1

AKA : Rolling Probable cause.

I love the idea and agree with most of the posted comments but I have NO faith that Fox won't screw this up. Their record with any show that is sci-fi/fantasy/comic related is terrible

I shatter Swords and splinter spears,
None stands to Shieldbreaker;
My point's the fount of orphan's tears,
My edge the widowmaker.