
I wish this awful person good luck in her legal battle.

It is very possible to hold and promote progressive values and be financially successful. Rachel Maddow is at the top of her profession. Bernie Sanders just bought his third home. Again, why are you determined to believe she is insincere? It seems wildly improbable to me that the woman who accuses feminist of choosing

I don’t see how that plays. I’m plenty old and plenty not-rich and while I guess I’ve worked for a company that didn’t represent my views(I think I once, through a series of cut-outs worked for Viacom as a teenager) most of my adult working life has been in the public sector.

Also! Ibtihaj Muhammad was the first American woman to compete wearing a hijab and she medaled!

You forgot Caster Semenya breaking the record for sheer volume of white tears generated for a single track event.

I’ve definitely heard it. I am a female soldier, and I’ve been truly shocked at how many non-military feminists I’ve seen suggesting a gender neutral physical fitness test for the military. They don’t even begin to understand how many women they’d be putting out of work.

Get a grip. Ledecky completely obliterated her world record times at these Olympics in the 400 and 800m freestyle. Had she raced in the men’s 400m, her world record time would have been almost 7 seconds behind the 8th place finisher. And while there wasn’t a men’s 800m this year for comparison, Ledecky is the world

Ledecky’s a transcendent, generational talent. But her WR time in the 400 M freestyle would’ve placed her 43rd in the men’s 400 (heats).

Milton’s tongue is firmly in his cheek. You’ll enjoy his presence - he has an amazing ability to drive trolls crazy. It's a beauty to behold.

Fuck making a podium. Women would never get to play.

If other events like track or swimming weren't sex-segregated, women just flat out wouldn't win.

What. No. There are clear differences in performances between the genders. A woman would never get on the medal stand. Ever. (Excluding events such as shooting, equestrian, surfing, etc- more skill based than pure strength). While age differences may hinder the athletes in terms of performance, the difference in

I feel like free birth control is more necessary or reasonable than free feminine hygiene products. I 100% agree that there shouldn’t be a tax on them, but I don’t really see why they should be free outside of the argument that they should be provided in schools and such. Yes, they are a necessity, but so is food and

Because lots of them abuse women and that’s not ok. Some of the stories my friend’s tell are hair raising, and they honestly did not realize that it was not universal.

Everybody you know likes street drugs? Or hookers?

I don’t know what to say about Broaddrick. I believe she had sex with Bill Clinton in 1978 that she didn’t want to have, and that could now be prosecuted as rape. I can’t dismiss her when she’s been consistent about that for almost 40 years. (I’m less inclined to believe her new claim Hillary Clinton intimidated her.)