Did you meet him or happen to be in the same courtroom?
So what do we do to these unruly kids? They get a free pass for throwing a bottle at a car? Why don’t we offer free passes to everyone so that they never learn about consequences. These kids will grow up to move to the Bay Area and live in a 2 bedroom PC bubble.
Bay Area is filled with tough guys, but in reality they’re soft sweet hearts begging to be corrected.
How much would it cost a player to pummel his ass? I’d like to pay up front.
Which decade did you snag that stock image from?
I’d but it for my Seinfeld reunion in my backyard. Just kidding, I don’t have a backyard.
Didn’t someone already write about this topic?
OMG. $290 at $2.82 an hour...
Another win for the Keebler elf.
Red Flag Alert: Staten Island Hospital.
Call a Derm to murder all his acne.
Is that the doc from the show My Secret Identity in one of the commercials?
That all sounds like “contrived nonsese” (sic) to me.
Aristotle: All your baby are belong to us.
Jesus Christ. Fucking loser.
Cause of death? The heartbreakers.
It’s time to ban gun from civilians. Fuck guns. Fuck the NRA. Fuck the 2nd Amendment. You ain’t a militia, we aren’t being invaded by the Brits, and we don’t need guns unless your intent is to kill.