Cornball bitch.
Cornball bitch.
This is Luis Guzman. Listen, papi, I’m stuck in an elevator with Charlie Sheen. Get me the fuck outta here, puto.
Did anyone watch their demo video?
How about a real answer to the question you pricks!
That car and ad are both magnificent.
Well, at least the kid knows how to use quotes.
Gene Simmons tongue.
Grand Theft Auto is looking more realistic than ever.
That Trumo head is mad Asian.
Japanese porn is crazy.
Could we not have poor people write for Jez? Of course they have dessert wine!
Jump in the Cadillac/ Girl, let’s put som mile on ya/ Anything you want/ Just ta put a smile on ya. Damn...
Why is my neighborhood playing in the backdrop?
Why is that whale dressed as a 1920's baby and what is the relevance to this article?
1-800-HOT-HOTT. Of course, it is!
That shit was justified. What wasn’t justified was her grammar.
These fucking cops are a real problem in America. So much to prove yet so little they pack. Police are the new Klan.