Desi Arnaz

All Beckys. There was only two stop exaggerating, Rich. Sheesh!

There’s no way she’ll ever gain or sag when she’s 70. No fucking way!

I am man.I am no sad bad show go bye.

Ed Sheeran is when Fozzy Bear partially shaves his face fur.

Puffy ruining another photo.


It’s amazing how that car didn’t catch on fire, but that Toyota Wish did.

Wow, I have lost all respect for the senior editor at Jalopnik

Crackpipe? Y’all crazy!

Fired? How about an arrest?

Wow, I thought I heard what about the booty call?

MetallicA lipgloss? Oh, I misread that... sigh...

Toyota Wish I had a better car. Zing!

Even in that condition, the car looks remarkable.

The PS1 Top Gun was awesome. it even had Principal Strickland in the FMVs between missions. Slacker!

I’m not sure which of the two I owned sucked harder. An 88' Hyundai Excel or an 85' Skylark. Best: E89 35is.

SPAM, cheese, and mustard get 5/5 skillets? Des bêtises à la bouche