
Well at least he used you're and not your.

haters gonna hate, man.

Is that you Keith Rivers?

That's it? That's your big reason? The guy normally stood extremely close on kickoffs. He had his back turned and when he realized what was going on he got out of the way. If you think he planned the whole thing, set up his kick coverage to send Jones to that sideline, then knew the exact spot where to go to "attempt

Hines hit high, all day, everyday.

Mitchell went to Green's midsection and when Green fell his shoulder made contact with Green's helmet. Guess you wanted Mitchell to separate Green's knee caps instead.

Man please, Kimo was pushed and fell into Palmer's knee. Get over it.

Well you're trolling on that one, he's one of the most respected coaches in the league by players and opposing coaches. You don't hear him complaining after games or talking about what other teams did or didn't do. When he loses to or beats the Ravens his comments are always, "we tip our hats to those guys," or

this is hilarious.

Finally, someone who actually paid attention.


I saw pink elephants and I thought Heffalumps and woosels (sic)

uh ... Why does it look like Harrison just finished giving Smith the business?

Any admission on the call on Worilds for the hit on Matt Ryan this weekend?

I came to this article just to see if someone would mention Arenas. Damn you're good.

Sanders' back of head also hit the ground hard.


Meanwhile, Steelers' middle linebacker, Vince Williams, gets fined $8,000 for "taunting" in the same game.

Thank you so much for making this. Lost in a lot of the discussions I've seen has been a touch of what women of color also go through when being hit-on by racist white men. While it does not diminish what a white women might go through, it does bring another aspect. Had a friend of mine who was hit-on by a guy who