
Wearing a mouthpiece certainly would.

Best commentary afterwards:

Didn't say anything about being uncomfortable with how other black people think. But your presumptive lumping us as a race with several other derogatory categories is ridiculous.

We would get snow days when the schools deemed it was too cold to stand at the bus stop (basically anything under freezing at 7:30 am)

There are black people who either don't think he should have won the Heisman or be playing for the BCS title in a month. You just categorized our race with people who "scored under a 25 on [their] ACT, Florida trash, Florida State trash," and trashy douchebags who we teach our younger sisters to protect themselves


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He could throw those hands too. 11 punches in 3 seconds:

Not sure if I'm more amused by his lack of actual Madden strategy, or his "Saban is mediocre compared to me" line.

That's up there in the power rankings of post-interview tweets.

I could tell. This was a bit of trolling on my end. Sorry. Considering our season I've seen a lot to our end. But being a Brown's fan I assume you deal with it on a lot more consistent basis.

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Yeah because this doesn't look fun at all.

1) Yes to what you said. 2) Not to mention that the lives of the Duke lacrosse players weren't destroyed. If Joeystylez had maybe gone with the young men who were wrongly CONVICTED of the Central Park rape years ago, then maybe the whole life ruining thing could actually be on the table.

Yeah that's super dirty.

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"Obviously he wasn't aware of what he was doing, obviously."

Vinegar strokes sometimes are.

Don't forget that Justin Smith guy.

Thanks for the quick response Lana. I just saw the soccer portion of my facebook all get hit with a case of depression because of the group and wasn't sure about anything at all.

I have no idea about soccer but always root for USA when they're in it. Is there any chance we beat Germany?

*slowly ducks behind desk

Need more meme's of Alabama fans after the game.