
Dude alternatives: I use “mate” a lot these days. It sounds Australian, so it’s cool!

Law & Order, and LO: SVU have both done episodes dealing with this kind of thing.


Rocket Maaaan, overchargin’ booze when they’re at home

The Rhythm eventually gets you.

Gotta say, that bank is on point with the potential frauds. Hearing “Fan requires $724 worth of beer to get through Dolphins game” sounds uncannily plausible.

I shall invent a device that alerts Dolphins fans when they are being erroneously charged for purchases. It will emit a Dolphin-call shriek if a skimmer is used to rack up a fraudulent charge. I will call it “the Miami Sound Machine.”

What’s the deal with statutes of limitation?

from the 1940s.

I hope the league doesn’t try to file down his eccentricities. You know, pound a square peg into a round hole, that type of thing.

I checked all the porn this weekend, did not see him.

Have watched a lot of games in that park. And have never seen a catch in that spot, where the player rolls off the medium wall and nearly falls over the short wall. Dewey’s catch in ‘75 WS - while of infinitesimally greater import - was in the same vicinity but there was no Super Mario hop from one level to the next.

Alright man, you’ve made your point, sheesh.

Alright man, you’ve made your point, sheesh.

Alright man, you’ve made your point, sheesh.

Ah yes, the Patriot’s deep-state conspiracy 

Those cheating bastards, Patriots coaches joining 68000 other people in watching the end of the Bills warm up. Give them the chair.

Strange, I’ve never seen a slant pass at the goal line get picked off before...

Because all of the beer will just fall out of the hole in the back his head, dumbass.  Don’t you know anything about how the body works?