I love that *this* is what you think about and care about when you just read a commentor’s story of abuse of her and her friend.
I love that *this* is what you think about and care about when you just read a commentor’s story of abuse of her and her friend.
Urgh, Ryan Phillipe, what a fucking scumbag. More red flags than a Soviet parade. There is something especially odious (though v common) about abusive men who hide in plain sight claiming to be feminists (see also: Weinstein throwing money at Democratic pro-women initiatives when his power and influence were waning.) I…
Genius serial killer:
Thank you for this, Stassa. I made a similar comment under a story a few days ago, and I watched the 60 minutes segment last night. I had a similar reaction. I was uncomfortable with the framing of both the Texas Ranger and of Little. When he spoke in the interviews, it’s clear he’s not a genius, nor did he come…
I do kind of empathize with Jamil here. Like her I’m working my way backwards through history and my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet isn’t holding up as well as I’d hoped.
This gives a whole new meaning to the nickname “The Bulgarian Brute”
They most certainly have that right.
And he’d probably work for peanuts. Literally, Snyder could pay him in this:
I’m glad about the better critical reception of Yooka-Laylee 2, will definitely have my eye on that despite being disappointed with the first.
Too early. It was 76 degrees yesterday. Ask me again in three or four weeks, at which point the answer will be “Fantastic.” Rhode Island has some lovely orchards.
Great fucking story.
I like that basically every Jamboroo now begins with a lengthy screed on why football is fucking awful.
I’m glad you mentioned “First Blood.” It is a quality flick one would not expect from all the follow up garbage movies. Highly recommended.
I have an incredibly hard time imagining that someone who is good enough to start for the Oranje and was born and raised in the Netherlands would instead choose the clownshow that is the USMNT.
I intend on speculating wildly don’t even try to stop me
It’s an error, but I just don’t think it’s very egregious. And while I don’t think anything is anybody’s fault here, why isn’t the narrative “Josh Hader isn’t going to forget this one for a long time”? A big arm with a 2 run lead, 2 outs and a man on 1st should bring that one to the 9th intact. Can’t do much about the…
He is also not asking for directions to the library, nor the discoteque.
“His name is Jock Strap King” and “He’s stronger than you think.”
I checked all the porn this weekend, did not see him.