Dear Gabe,
When you have an issue on Steam, you typically send in a report, which Steam Support has to deal with. But one Steam…
Any game that has a breast slider and a breast bounciness slider should be given awards.
if you actually care about audio quality then you'd rather be dead than get anything by Beats.
They couldn't keep her, she was too hard to animate.
I guess she couldn't.....SAVE FACE.
"I was told by the director to pronounce it closer to English," Watanabe is quoted by Sponichi as saying. "But that was completely detestable, and I refused."
I look forwards to seeing the Dr Nerdlove questions in 10 years time when people are writing in complaining about their virtual reality partner program being unfaithful.
I will give all you nerds the only dating advice you need.... just be confident with yourself. That's it.
This is still the best one, in my opinion. I love this one. There's tons of great SFM videos for dota though. SFM is a brilliant tool to let fans do all kinds of stuff with.
I have very little sympathy for anyone who buys into the military cult and willingly chooses to become a glorified gun for hire for a government that has an impressive track record of incompetence and corruption. They chose to become soldiers.
Also this... start around the 0:20 mark.
Dear Ubi,
Notice the avatar choices of many of the tweets above.
"These. Are. Just. Drawings," wrote another blog commenter online. "Why don't you guys say this after you lower your crime rate first," replied yet another, with one commenter adding, "Yanks picking fictional Lolita regulation over gun regulation."
Well besides the fact I'm pretty sure those clouds are pre-rendered skyboxes which is nothing impressive the graphics don't actually look that amazing close up only the real far distances which is actually pretty cool for a game to be able to keep the graphical fidelity of assets at a range from being ugly.
tl;dr its…