My favorite moment had to be Troy's "We ALL farted."
My favorite moment had to be Troy's "We ALL farted."
Leave your tv on!
Obviously this is a losing battle, but I don't think that's all there is to the characters of Community. I don't want to get into a debate, just want to add my voice to the echo chamber: I think Parks and Rec is hilarious, but the characters aren't interesting and can get dull. On the other hand, I love the cast of…
Oh no, they use their characters very well, but they're all ciphers. The show toys with them and clashes them in somewhat interesting ways, but they never change, and they're certainly never compelling.
Unrealistic doesn't mean one-dimensional. Abed is probably the flattest character on the show, but at least Harmon's said they're trying to fix that this year.
I think Community's characters are more archetypal, definitely, but they've also evolved far past that. They appear more stereotypical than they really are. Parks has more noticeably unique characters, but over the course of the series, none of them have really changed or been made more complex. They're all pretty…
Likable isn't what makes a character interesting. The people of Parks and Rec are definitely nicer and more stable than those of Community, but they don't have nearly as much depth.
Right, those were great, as I said, but the theme episodes are what made it a classic season of tv. And Mixology.
I don't care at all for the characters of Parks and Rec, unlike, say, Community, which I would totally watch if it was a drama. I watch it because it's usually the funniest of the NBC comedies, and I didn't think this episode was very funny at all. So thbbbbbbbt.
I'm shocked by the divide on this one. Personally, it was one of my favorite non-themed episodes the show has ever done. So many great moments - John Goodman's second scene, the 2001 homage, the monkey gas, the table axing, the musical number. Everything was just so memorable, and it was pretty moving to boot. My only…
Yeah. To be frank, last year was great, but only the theme episodes were really superb. If this episode is representative of the quality of the rest of this season's normal episodes, this is going to be one awesome season.
Not to mention that any NBC comedy success spells doom for Community and/or Parks and Rec.
Oh hey, you migrated!
NWR has talked about it more in depth in other interviews, basically he didn't know how strong medicine in America is compared to what he has at home, so he took too much on accident.
I think Parks and Rec is funnier on a moment to moment basis than Community, but it's conventional to the point of being trite and I'm less endeared to the characters. I'd still watch Community if it was a drama, Parks and Rec, not so much.