
Sadly, I take my son to school in my sweats every morning. Most days my younger children have already covered me in breakfast by the time we get all of them into the car... so food could very well be all over me. Snot stains are a trend of the season and my toddlers like to keep me current. (Maybe 'Hot Snot Sweat

My comment went here instead of to pantsless.. Correcting now. Sorry!

What the fuck is up with Indiana and sex slaves?!
First the husband and the slave contract and now this just 2 days later.


So you were not curious as to "what she actually agreed to" but rather what he had written in the Slave contract?

I think the confusion came from your initial comment:
"I'm not justifying the abuse, but I'm curious as to what she actually agreed to. Obviously she agreed to at least wear the collar, but what were the

Me too... she has enough to worry about without blaming herself for what happened to her.

He's an abusive asshat that "wanted to be her master". I'm sure pretty she was forced into "agreeing" to the slave rules... right down to the collar.

"Thieves Sassy-Danced Away With $1.5 Million in Zumba Clothes"

So that's what... 2o shirts, 30 pants and a shoe lace?

"Then I put my feet up on my desk and leaned back in my chair. Another hard day of investigative reporting done; another of life's mysteries solved."

I can't wait to show my husband that he has Prince Charmings "perfect dick". The drawing, description....everything is spot on.

Bravo ladies, Bravo! Now how about book characters next?

Yay, there are lots of different types of gangsters... bravo.

Maybe it is ... in your opinion?

Mark, how exactly is this racist?

My point is that there really is no issue, so why would I be trying to resolve one? Do you honestly think Google has the time to go through everyones email? Like many others have said there are triggers that bring an up an alert to google that they will then have to look at and see if it really is an issue or just a

True, but everyone weirded out about them invaiding their privacy by. 'Going through their email'... I'm saying it wouldn't be a big deal even if that really were the case.

If all I have to do is let google look through my emails so (even one of) these pervs can get locked up, so fucking be it.

Come on, he's disabled not demonic. What a bunch of pricks.

"the blacks"

Have fun on your trolling journey.
All the best luck to you!

The only one deserving of a body bag at this point is you.
"Illegal Aliens" aren't ruining this country, it's Ignorant, rage-filled, soulless, backwoods-red neck, bigots like you that are tearing this country apart.

I see your point though, really I do..
llegally entering a country to create a better life for one's