The Dark One 508

yo fake dudebra

yo, fake dudebra.

she’s so fucking feckless. never a more worthless speaker of the house.

it was both shit, because ti was shit and because the defense knew he’d get off. that’s why he talked about baking cookies.

i had to read this a few times to figure out what it means. i starred because i get it.

holy fuck. so, he’s going to at most get 15 years now. instead he could have gotten more. great job!

i started cyberpunk2077 because i want to build a cyberpunk space station for my 4" action figures and have been eating up all kinds of cyberpunk stuff for ideas and to get a feel for it.

it’s not so bad. on the first mission where i dumped the naked girl so the armed paramedics she pays for can pick her up there’s

what an awful story for that man. it’s a shame that there likely wasnt much reform after his tapes were released and he won his lawsuit.

also, i laughed when i read “thanks for sharing, tittytittybangbangs.” not that “kickboxinglesbian” is an improvement. i think if i ever have any serious news or something i want

for 8 weeks until the judge over turns it because we still live in the hell universe.

lol. at that point that teacher isnt a public servant anymore and is cancer.

thank you!

i love the getting out of a limo, and walknig onto a air force 1 with toilet paper on his shoe.

a legal standpoint from water.

i would visit every barber in town for hair and then leave ripped open bags of it at that teacher’s house.

i only wish it was that easy.

yep. instead they get to fail upwards.

you made some good points, but superheroing fighting the big three, i can believe he wouldnt be able to keep up with family’s financial troubles as well as he too was snapped away; and during that snap is when her troubles really started. you arent going to be fighting thanos and thinking “i wonder if my family’s

yep. watch someone in fear for their life run over a maga chud at a magariot and see them get buried under the prison.

i fucking hate that creature. and his fucking goon grady judd.

yeah, i was fucking with you that time.
you cna have this thing i made to make up for it.

that’s bad writing on my part.