The Dark One 508

and a drunk

bipartisanship is what’s taking so long.

and they would have been 2000. not 600, plus maybe 1400 later.

im glad he drove off a cliff instead of a car full of people. 

imagine if he was sober. “man, they’re going to say i was drunk!”

IF they find him guilty, and he actually honestly, sincerely faces actual punishment for whatever, and it’s not “well, here’s an ankle bracelet, go shit yourself at maralargo until you die with access to press” i’ll eat at chick fil a for a week.

some of this dude’s own people were involved. 2 of them killed themselves over it.

yeah i can see how he had no idea. 

that’s where being a former president will protect him. 

that mcconnell can whip every single republican in line, and give permission to the “moderate” ones to vote against them is everything about the dems ability to govern - specifically schumer’s. notice how his name isnt in these articles nor a quote from him about being pissed off at manchin?

censure him.

kyle rittenhouse is fucking around in bars with his oedepumom.

im obviously speaking to a turd. look, no one is “encouraged” to share anything on the internet. no one. no one in 1998 got america online and with that was “encouraged” to share anything from anyone.

dude’s in short sleeves, in texas freak snow storm, walking in the road so he doesnt fall.

yeah i saw in another comment that they shouldnt have arrested him, and taken him home instead. but not before making a stop to mcdonalds for a dollar cup of coffee to warm him up, and then a second stop to buy him a decent

dude’s too much of a coward to kill himself.

you said something that clicked.

im not being civil. i think you’re dumb enough that i have to explain that to you.

no one on the internet is under any obligation topost more and more, share more and more”. this is nonsense to believe that.

that’s how i know you’re dumb, and i have to explain simple concepts to you.

considering you can go to property records and find where someone lives, yeah, this stuff should be public too.

this is how i do it.