it does. but dont kid yourself into thinking that will happen. be it going to a vote, or actually passing.
it does. but dont kid yourself into thinking that will happen. be it going to a vote, or actually passing.
highlight their name and check the link for extra letters. that’s the fake one.
the urban peasant had a lot of things like this.
Makes no difference to me.
Im not surprised. This is why i don’t think anything is going to come from ny either.
that judge is not afraid to hide that he’s ok with this adult murdering someone.
they werent loved enough.
you said it passed in the senate and it’s waiting in the house. bills go through the house to the senate. you’re confusing house and senate.
you have that backwards
what the what?!
finally the 15 minutes are up!
i said yesterday, in a perfect world the imbeciles that found ted’s desk and thought he was selling them out - the one that has basic literacy and told them he was still on their side died by an abrupt brain aneurysm at that exact moment and they never learned that and crusaded to find ted, drag him out by his ankles,…
dude. short of his nose now, now that he’s sober he looks fucking amazing.
that they’re going to be in their own trials saying “trump told me to do it” and in trump’s senate trial they say “he didnt tell them to do it” after seeing video of him telling them to do it is just completely mind blowing.
what in the world did i just read?
mcconnell can have his rinos do what he wants them to do. schumer does not have the balls to do the same for dinos.
fucked up they’re asking if he did drugs.
im not optimistic at all about ny doing any harm to him. he’ll never see a day in prison.