
My PS Plus subscription also grants me access to the 250+ games I’ve already downloaded. Still have to beat 2 Yakuza games dammit! That alone is worth continuing to pay $40 a year. I only pay $40 a year because I buy the cards on sale.

Ugh. I think I need chemotherapy.

I find the ageism promoted by this article extremely problematic.

So best thing for rural players it to invest in the backpack upgrade, when you go to the city stock up on Pokestops. Then once you’re home you have all the supplies you need. Also, if there are no Pokemon in your area incense pulls from the full Pokemon list. Not just the nearby list.

Yeah, way less than 45 million is still a LOT

They fixed tracking a while ago. All Pokémon on the sightings list are basically 1 “footprint” away. The list also includes no duplicates AND it updates in real time. It’s insanely easy to TRACK a Pokemon on the sightings list.

Luckily the cords are so short that you’ll be right next to the reset button. Nitpicking indeed.

The first line is not the entire quote. Literally the definition of “out of context”. Literally the next words say that it’s MORE of a problem for women, the next quote states that it’s an ideal that women MUST balance blah blah blah. The article would say PEOPLE face this ideal.

An earnings gap is not a wage gap. #tiredoldpropaganda

Feminism is not women. It is an ideology. There are male feminists, they’re just as stupid as female feminists. In fact, only 1 in 5 women are feminists.

“Pattern-matching isn’t gender-exclusive, though, for women, there is often more to match up to at once: beauty, motherhood, work life, sexiness.”


It does in a lot of ways make great sense from a business perspective. Consider the WiiU’s paltry sales figures. This is due to game droughts. No games = so hardware sales = no 3rd patty support = no games. This cycle will now be broken. A consultant!er can buy an NX in confidence knowing that ALL Nintendo titles will

I dont mean this as an insult... I am having trouble reading your sentences. I haven’t been able to find anything other than “insider” talk from around the time that the PS4 was released. I do not feel that would be up to the standards you’re asking for, which is an official SONY document or comment. Not that it’s

So I just got this game. Finally. I am a completionist whore when it comes to JRPGs. So starting this game I m paranoid that I’m missing something or I m going to do something wrong. Should I just relax and play it naturally? I know about genocide vs pacifism unfortunately. So I am trying to play pacifist. Just want

Yes, this is all true. However, I am sure they would remove streams for at least some larger sites. Point still stands. I am guessing it is due to performance issues personally. They want it to sell.

Yes, you are correct that HDR10 required HDMI 2.0a. What you are incorrect about is that PS4 does not support HDMI 2.0a. It is a speed+metadata issue. The HDMI on PS4 is built to higher spec than 1.4. It IS capable of 2.0 speeds as well as the metadata needed for 2.0a standard. That’s why a simple firmware update can

Well, you’re correct and incorrect. First, Dolby Vision supports HDMI 1.4. Second, while 1.4 was the standard at the time the PS4 was released, the actual HDMI hardware was built to a much faster spec. It is capable of speeds higher than 2.0 and limited that speed through the firmware to the 1.4 standard. Now they

Nah, they’re all up on YouTube already. Can’t be that.

Yeah, but games nowadays just disable the soundtrack so I’m not sure. Plus the games are old and up in their entirety already. Not so sure about this one.