
used to be you’d go to the dang game as scheduled and die there from exposure and become an ice ghost and get into all sorts of cool adventures where you’d have to fight the Winter Wizard and get the Orb of Haarj to thaw the last thunderbird and ride it back to the waking world but i guess that time is over

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

That was so kind of you! I really appreciate it — thank you so much for reading!

I saw someone else welcome you as a new writer for Gizmodo, so welcome! Keep up great articles like this! :)

it’s suuuuper far. thank you for reading, btw!

I think the fact that Trump is clearly more capable of doing real damage on his way out the door, rather than just slinking away in quiet ignominy, has to factor into their equations. As far as this goes, for me, the introduction of Bannon felt like a bolt from the blue. It suddenly became clear that Trump had allies

Look. Alex. That’s just urinalysis.

I feel like we can eventually undo any over conservative ideologies that may get implemented but we’ll never be able to reconstruct our atomized remains after a hydrogen bomb is dropped directly on to our collective faces.

Rae, as a new writer here at Gizmodo, Welcome.

Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?

SEC basketball....except Kentucky.

“Made in China? Full of chinks and garbage. Sad.”
10 minutes later:
“MSM telling lies about Trump AGAIN! Clearly talking about McD’s poor quality toys. TERRIBLE!”
15 minutes later: I’m just an unburned outline of a human against the chard wall of my old house.

Because many journalists are craven, bottom feeding opportunists. Much like our President Elect!


I wonder if people think before writing a comment like the one you just wrote, “you know, this is gonna make me sound like I wrote this entire comment with a salty dick in my mouth, but let’s go ahead and hit Publish anyway.”

Well, you’d optimally have water for your habitat (surface parks, lakes, even minature oceans if its large enough) then you’d have water storage both for replenishing lost supplies and fuel - assuming some form of fusion power system or even for standard chemical rocket fuel for the vessel’s secondary craft. So you’d

You probably get an asteroid belt.

I don’t understand how drawing attention to promises made is a gimmick. Trump chooses to use Twitter as a major part of his outreach to voters. It is only sensible that those utterances would be relevant in future discussions.

These are words I never thought I would say in my lifetime:

Rarely have I seen someone so incensed yet so respectful