
I actually don’t think it’s so cut-and-dry that Blizzard has the right to do this. I don’t actually know the specifics of this case, but most private MMO servers use custom code and include no copyrighted material. It is a little bit of a grey area, but it seems like at worst the *players* are guilty of violating the

you do realize that private servers are the only reason many old online PC games are even still playable right? this is more about preserving history than anything since there are plenty of people that would love to play old games online but without proper server support those people can’t. it’s part of the reason

Legitimately curious: why do you think private servers hurt the franchise? (I’m ambivalent about them myself — I think they’re too niche to make a big difference one way or the other — so I’m not looking for a fight. Just wondering, since I haven’t heard that opinion very often.)

What it seems like to me is not the fact that LGBT people are in the game, it’s that the writer feels the need to mention this explicitly as a defining characteristic. That’s just plain old shitty writing. A good writer develops a character through interactions, not just straight up blurting out their sexual

Always nice to debate with you people, powerful arguments

Trying to lie and make something that’s not normal seem normal is not okay.

Read the article, sjw. That’s not why they are angry...

There’s a difference between creating new experiences with the diversity that we see today and shoehorning them into a 17 year old game. But it’s whatever to be honest. Their game, their decision.