
I see it as a slippery slope, players wont grow and evolve of they just adjust cards weve had since vanilla hearthstone

Maybe, but limiting certain cards from 2 to one could really spark some change

Idk, i just rather see new things than blizz just changing card text once in a while, like how solem judgment in yugioh got replaced by solem warning if this example makes sense

Sounds crazy, but yes? There should be multiple kinda of cards with iron owls mechanic by now, not every single person using the same card as a silence

thank you kirk :D

hey jason, i see through grinding gold and dust you put together a well balanced deck that can compete with the best, and its gone.....
as a magic and yugioh player, im pretty annoyed. cards should rotate out, not be completely changed. Im not the only one of forums who feels this way but lets see what happens.

I disagree, especially when a chunk of hearthstone cards focus on rng, id rather the cards rotate out of the challenge mode similar to how magic has standard blocks.

I think im the only person pissed because of this, bought a ps4 5months ago,

Youre the only person so far in the comments to mention this, and its news that spread like fire yet patric didn't write about it. Idk man

Atnt most of these yokai reskins? (Example: i saw 3 cats with different colors) are their really 600? Also osnt this the 4th game, did team cat and dog not count?

I dont know about live action, but i think pixar would make an awesome movie.

Who thought those arms where a good idea???

Not a fan of those tiny arms and crazy huge tail

Is it possible to buy any of these things with silver?

Im just going to buy the gear and infuse it

The fact we've had only a handful of gameplay minutes sets off some red lights in my opinion

This os great and all, but will they make an overlord 3?

The funny part is, how can you lose 10 million customers and still disregard feedback? Its crazy

Its a bit weird we havent seen much of it sofar though, and whens the beta?