
@yanipheonu: I can imagine it's only improved my reading speed.

@martinf1: I did have a laugh, thank you sir.

@sackboy: It's okay, just was saying I agreed.

@nerdrage32: Oblivion had a horse. Morrowind did not. You had to run everywhere.

@Diamond Sea: Completely agree with the planet idea. I also thought it felt like it was an excuse to link unrelated levels to each other.

@Vanderblade: That game was so under-rated. I wish it was backwards compatible with the 360 though.

@Yankton: I'm already pleased as Ocarina of Time was my #1 choice, but I'd love to see Majora's Mask too.

Isn't Mario actually older than that? Considering both Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong were released before Super Mario Bros.?

@Inkiw: That was incredible.

The Last Guardian.

What I want to know is why the skateboarders bought the 64 GB version of the iPad?

@Toshi: I hate them most of the time.