
That is just plain amazing.

The only feature I really like about iTunes 8 is the new visualizer. Otherwise, I am choosing to pass on iTunes 8 for now.

I've been using this theme on XP for over a year now and I love it.

Nintendo, it's your turn.

@Astrofox: I couldn't agree with you any more. One of my biggest problems about games this generation is this obsession with making multiplayer online and great, but ends up having a very disappointing story mode (coughHalo3cough).

As much as I'd like a sequel of Okami (it is one of my all time favorite games), I would hate to see it done by anyone besides Clover. If Capcom does make a sequel, I sure hope they have Clover supervise.

Finally someone does something more with Achievements. I have never liked them, I have never had a reason to care about them, but now I do. Hopefully more games will do this after Gears 2.

@Kiyosuki: lol it does, but at least Silent Hill is fun.

So it was like a hospital corridor filled with plumbers?

Complete letdown. Nintendo had little to offer, and of what they did have to offer, most was already leaked (and I don't think most of us want more casual games and peripherals). And the only noteworthy things Microsoft showed us were the new 360 interface and Final Fantasy XIII. And Sony... um... did they even show