And it isn't even the worst of it. People were blocking buses of children because they considered them immigrants instead of refuges. So gross.
And it isn't even the worst of it. People were blocking buses of children because they considered them immigrants instead of refuges. So gross.
Caregiving isn't easy, but I wouldn't have given up that time with my dad for anything in the world, and I'll bet you wouldn't either. He was lucky to have you. :)
It really is and i find it weird that people like him and Rush Limbaugh can be famous in America, i listened to Rush Limbaugh show when i was in America (i was curious to see how vile he was) and that would never be allowed on UK radio due to hate speech.
"I'm not giving up on them, I'm just saying convert them or kill them. One or the other."
"Convert or kill"...MAN that phrase sounds so familiar. Can't quite place it...
I mean, you're a YouTube channel, if you don't want to review shitty food, just don't...
That made me cry more than the movie trailer.
From a former caregiver to my late father, I did all I could to make him feel normal. It does make me feel good that there's a movie showing that people with loss of mobility doesn't mean they deserve to be patronized or treated like they're less than their former self.
hmmm. A person in need of care who just wants to be seen as a person finds an unlikely caregiver in a street smart kid who breaks the rules and a profound friendship forms around the idea of LIVING LIFE. Seems similar to the extraordinary French film Intouchables; if this trailer looks good to you, I highly recommend…
Do be like that. Dying Young was a movie about a terminally man and it came ou...
Ugh. Another terminally ill woman movie. Don't guys die in movies anymore? Besides being blown or shot to bits?
This former caregiver approves (also cannot run a blender.)
I'll watch any movie that glorifies caregivers! Especially those of us who smoke a lot and aren't overly competent when it comes to blenders. And ESPECIALLY if it leads to us getting a little extra respect from society that maybe leads to higher pay. Plus, this movie actually looks good aside from my selfish…
You're DEFINITELY meant to do that everyday!! Only takes a second dude, you need to up your shower game! And in my experience, period gunk doesn't itch or irritate. If your lady parts are itching it usually means thrush.
I Use a Diva Cup and I call I call bullshit. In fact I call guy pretending to be a girl bullshit because thats not how vaginas or Diva cups work. ( I say TMI warning but it seems redundant after the story)
Your audience, right now. Bottom right: Me.
Gross explanation by medical student:
There are so many ways that a romantic night under the stars can go wrong: Birds can poop on you, monsters can…