They are indeed.
They are indeed.
What's particularly off-putting is that the family who insists on keeping the dog is (according to the news report) a military family. You'd expect them to respect a soldier's property.
Yep that would have been the right thing to do. But i think that is almost asking to much of society these days. The whole world is pulling into itself rather than going out, caring, giving etc. I know that sounds so pessimistic. And there are a lot of great people out there who give so much. But there is a shift. And…
I think it does. First, the girlfriend didn't have permission to sell the dog and he was unable to stop her. Second, he's abroad in a dangerous country at our government's request. I have never agreed with the U.S. being in the Middle East, but I support our troops in little ways when I can. This is a big way to…
exactly. Same thing happened to my sis and I when we were about 7-8 years old with a dog that wandered onto our land. We were upset that owners were found, but we understood that it was the right thing to do. Only crappy thing is my dad gave the dog back when we were Sunday school, so I couldn't say goodbye. Probably…
It would be wrong even without that but the fact that he is a) far away and thus physically unable to be present to fight for his companion personally and b) doing a service for his nation (regardless of the morality of the actions his country is ordering him to do) make it especially bad.
Perfect. So if I house sit for you, watch your pets or car or any possessions then I can sell them too. Sign me up for your immoral chaos land. Sounds perfectly reasonable.
I think it does. He left his dog in his girlfriend's care while he went to serve overseas. However you feel about the troops, he's doing something for our country and I refuse to feel ashamed for being mildly patriotic. Even if we cut the patriotism, him being overseas still has something to do with it. He left his…
that's about what I expect from a family who buys a pet from Craigslist. I really wish they would shut down the pets section.
"Hey kids, I know it sucks, but it turns out our dog (who we love very much) actually came from another family that loved him very much and they lost him and we need to give him back. We'll go look for a new puppy this weekend at the shelter, okay?"
At least kids can change if they see enough proper behavior. Kids are notoriously selfish until it's educated out of them. They get a pass.
I bought a dog on Craigslist from a family who "couldn't take care of it" under the condition that if their kids missed it enough after a week they could take it back. I essentially babysat a dog for a week. Parents are stupid.
These children are probably entitled shitheads. Miniature versions of the parents I'll assume. Sometimes life is hard kids. Deal.
And yet certain political groups like to deny things like contraception coverage and abortion access for those among us who are the least equipped to raise a child. Honestly, if there were no stigma attached to those things by religion/politics, we'd probably have far fewer unwanted kids in this country and a far…
Amen! I used to always here parents make excuses for their kids bad behavior! It was never the kids fault. A guy who I know who has a PHD was talking about that today with us and he said that one time he came home with bad grades in school. He told his father that he had bad grades because the teacher didn't…
She's a cunt. I know that word isn't popular here, but that's exactly what she is: a vindictive cunt.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that these kids are spoiled and entitled as fuck, as are the parents. Yeah, last week, my toddler got SOOOPER attached to another kid's dump truck at the park. My kid was practically having an emotional affair with that damn truck. But he had to deal with the fact that he…
Absolutely out of malice. My cousin's first wife pulled a similar stunt on him, except she found a new boyfriend and left him divorce papers for when he got back from Serbia.
The girlfriend did this to be malicious, right? She could have contacted his family if she simply no longer wanted to care for the dog.
Parents are pretty bad at their job these days.