
her hip bone is a black stick sticking out of her skin?

You're kidding right?

use it for Trash the Dress. That's what I did with my internet ordered dress fail. It not only made for great photos, but it was therapeutic to actually trash it!

Depends on the place. Our place charged the same even for a Tuesday in February, so...

My wedding got postponed and when I was ready to go back and order, my dress wasn't being made anymore. (I'd originally delayed because I thought it cost too much. Remember this at the end of the story.) So I did this internet thing. Out of desperation I tried this, and it was not this bad, but it wasn't...right. They

this is BY FAR my favorite.

There have been a number of times in my life when either I've been attracted to a guy OR a conversation comes up about a female that's attracted to a guy where someone says, BUT....too bad so sad he's BI!!! As in, like, "it's out of the quaeestion you/she could ever date him now." And I was always like, "huh? What the

Well handled. Mostly I feel quite sad for them for all the ways it is twisted and complicated and deprives them of the relationships they should be having, even if they don't feel that (now?).

I wish you could see my face (and hear my confused laugh). Fucking wow man.

in light of the "coffee mug" conversation below, I think it's a good point. I'd love a Jez article in honor of, and linking, some of our most beloved Jez community moments. I'm sure I missed some.

and. It makes me think, "ok, so our news doesn't care about this because it's poor black non-Western people." So...what's the excuse of the local government for not giving a shit?

Hubs and I will not use any other mattresses. We sleep like heaven on Ikea ones. Right inIKEA forever.

in ADDITION to that, I'd challenge Crowe to come up with "women properly playing their proper age" in the oh-so-many roles for women of a certain age, other than Mirren, Dench, Streep and (occasionally) Close. They are FAB. But...that's kind of it in their category...there aren't enough roles to support more women of

I am ready for madonna to go away quietly.

AH, YES! Sorry, totally misunderstood - make that "misread"! Somehow I kept reading "approved" as "provided". I must go have my brain checked now for adult-onset dyslexia or something!

Nobody should try to forcibly take your stuff away from you, certainly not a flight attendant and certainly not a cane. What the hell mind of idiot was she?!

Just out if interest, what airline? I've never heard of an airline providing a car seat! (I'm from an airline family)

I think you're hitting on something here - the line between sexually *available* and expressing sexual desire. Yes it is still a blurry/mingled/overlapping line, but you're getting closer to identifying my complicated feelings on this. Re: pop the pop singer discussion, I get a LOT of "availability" vibe in what

ok, i looked it up. It has a lot of exceptions. E.g. "Either spouse may assert the spousal privilege. But the privilege protects only"communications." Statements that are not communications between the spouses, such as observations by one spouse about the conduct of the other, are not privileged. For example, a court

Actually I think it's a myth/no longer true that married people can't be made to testify against each other...