
When my buddies grandparents died we moved into there house and found a cereal size box of powder for brush and comb cleaning. On the side it said that it kills HIV (AIDS) virus. I tried to market it but got shut down by the drug companies.

Can you recommend a couple of the better options?

I'm not saying I have or ever will go up Everest, so maybe they just use different gear but on the backpacking I've done we don't use any of this stuff. Everyone I know uses different water purifiers, normal buy at REI headlamps and only people doing multi day rock climbs use poop tubes (or there would be a lot of

Have you ever pooped while on a multi-day rock climb where you never take your harness off? Excitement.

Wow comcast is amazing. I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have just switched to WebPass ([] for 1000 mbps speeds for have the price and an ISP that doesn't care what I do with my bandwidth. I need to think about this...

Wow comcast is amazing. I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have just switched to WebPass ([] for 1000 mbps speeds for have the price and an ISP that doesn't care what I do with my bandwidth. I need to think about this...

Sheex was featured on ESPYs VIP gift bag this year. If you enter coupon code of "ESPN" you get %20 off. May the high performance debauchery begin.

I like using it to start torrents on my home pc while I'm at work. Just set up utorrent to check a folder in your dropbox for new torrents. I find what I wanna watch at work drop the torrent in the appropriate folder in dropbox and when I get home I'm ready to watch Breaking Bad :)

I've lived and worked in Oakland for a few years now. There's really four parts of Oakland.

This makes complete sense to me. During most of the year I come into the office on monday with cuts and scratches, barely walking from what ever summit I reached over the weekend. All my coworkers are like "why would you climb a rock"? Then they go on to talk about how good what ever reality show they watched was.

Totally! We even had new rules, like if you got caught cheating you had to match what ever was in free parking!

Every day since it rolled out I've gotten frustrated within 5 minutes and said F it and closed my browser. Starting to think my boss is in on it. I've been so much more productive. Thanks Giz.

@thecornyman: Nevermind, over the air... got it.

@Edix: Oh no, bad kool aid...

@Victor Bello: Nice, thanks. That was the big question on my mind. Thank you.

What if I have given out a new google voice number to some people. Can I port my cell number to a new google voice and when people call my old google voice number have it ring my newly ported google voice number?

me: knocks on door, "hey, any hot chicks in there?"

@A Magician Named Gob: Haha! I gotcha. My IT guy blocks youtube and most other video so I I'm a little in the dark sometimes...