Meh. Tone deafness in advertising is nothing new. Some years ago, American Express used Lennon’s “Imagine” in one of its credit card commercials.
Meh. Tone deafness in advertising is nothing new. Some years ago, American Express used Lennon’s “Imagine” in one of its credit card commercials.
Some really clever programmer should create an ad blocker that somehow downloads the ads and clicks on them in the background, but doesn’t show or do anything with them and kills off the cookies. I’m happy with screwing over those people who create these predatory ads.
This seems like the sort of article Lifehacker staff might read the comments to, so.
Eh, 22 is only 4 years removed from 17 - and one is rarely better than the other. It took a lot of pride-swallowing to admit it myself, but most people in their very early 20s are every bit clueless dunderheads as their teens.
it’s not just gamers who pull this shit. “swatting” has become a huge problem across social media.
if the ‘gift’ comes with a reminder that it’s free, it’s neither free nor a gift
The Vitals subblog also recently published and article entitled “What your penis will look like when you get older.” I don’t have a penis, but I’m not going to bitch about it being on a general website. It’s a topic that likely interests a lot of people, maybe even some people who don’t have penises!
add a roll cage, boom instant stiffness....... of the chassis
It’s on the company for not verifying legal age, not on the parents for kid lying about it. Like how the kid or parents aren’t at fault if a kid gets served alcohol at a bar, the bar is the one at fault.
Yeah, it’s weird to actually see a First Amendment violation happening for real, rather than some crybabies on twitter getting upset a corporate entity took a marker away from their name.
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:
Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with…
This is exactly how the people who’ve greenlit the last 6 years’ worth of DC movies think.
It’s practically impossible for these films to leave anything open for surprise, that’s why I still love that controversial Iron Man 3 mid-film reveal. I did not see that one coming.
I don’t think either party should be playing their relationship in Publix and from what I can tell, only 1 is.
I’ve learned that professionalism, training, honesty, and taking responsibility for decisions are wise in life.
Right? I feel like it’s rare that we get to read this kind of transparent analysis this quickly after an off. It’s really nice, answers a lot of questions, and makes me suspect that the only reason we’re reading this is because it happened outside the red-tape-obsessed USA...
I believe the “gotta have the white allies” issue is about appeasing the feelings of non-racist white people by softening the rhetoric.
No, passing on a double yellow is being an asshole. Swerving to intimidate and kill is [attempted (edit)] murder. Asshole is much lower on the scale.