
Really? Remind me the last time animals committed a holocaust. Sold other animals as property? Committed atrocities like the Rape of Nanking. Or the Khmer Rouge. Or the Tutsi genocide. Or the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. When was the last time you saw animals perpetuate a legal system that tacitly supported

Because dehumanizing people always has positive results.

Finally, a car to go with Sterling Archer cosplay!

Right, because the profit based prison system that unequally imprisons men of color is the only choice besides a jury and a double tap to the back of the head.

I’m in no way suggesting that there’s any acceptable logic to explain their actions, and they’ll never be free of what they’ve done. There’s also a very real possibility that they are emotionless monsters incapable of regret for what they’ve done. I’m just saying that I think it’s important we try, especially if

So have drug addicts, child prostitutes, boy soldiers. Do we just write them all off as too hard to help?

You’re suggesting that once someone makes a wrong choice it’s too late to change future decisions? Nothing can bring back a life taken, but I can’t subscribe to the idea that we know for a fact those young men are a lost cause.

I think that it’s foolish to think that the mistakes someone made as a child are a fair representation of who they might become as an adult. Do you think that there’s no hope for child soldiers?

Prayers and solidarity to that family.

That’s one of the most thoughtful and well laid out explanations of why car manufacturer’s are writing a self-fulfilling prophecy of the death of the manual. /hattip

I wouldn’t say he looks like a genius, but I’ll take a slightly dim bulb over a pathologically lying sociopath bottle of Tang who doesn’t seem to know anything about the government he’s running.

Even more fun fact, anyone who heard it referred to it as “exotic Italian stone” personally referred to it as “slightly aldente noodle”.

Yeah, who cares when possibly wealthy people are cheated, they’re all assholes. I only care when people making less than six figures get screwed!

What evidence have you ever seen to support the notion that any Ferrari was built to be driven hard? As best I can tell the only owner who uses his Ferraris as intended by Maranello is Chris Evans, and he sucks.

Well the good news is they’d likely succeed in their lawsuit and not be out on a $1 million investment. That seems pretty good to me, all things considered.

By what metric other than sheer emotion are they the best performance cars? Almost everybody is faster than them, and they don’t use ringer cars and a culture of fear and intimidation to accomplish it. I’ll acknowledge that Ferrari’s cars are interesting and passionate, but there is not a single objective measurement

No matter what way he uses the remaining time in his day it’s still quite unhealthy to be sedentary for eight hours straight.

Which, as he stated in the article you apparently didn’t bother to read, was due to the pressure to stream 8 hours of content every day during which he did not move.

The rock would suddenly turn into a whale with an identity crisis and the boat would turn into a bowl of petunias who’s only thought, inexplicably, was; “Oh no, not again!”

Yes, but more realistically (in terms of measurable scale) it’s going to be dependent and the density of the rock vs. the mass. When its in the boat it’s displacing a certain amount of water based on its mass and the surface area of the hull, but once it’s in the lake - assuming it’s dense enough to sink - the volume