
Does it say anywhere that the mother and step-mother want to speak publicly? Honest question. My understanding is that the father is basically the family’s spokesperson, the way that most families delegate one person to speak to the press in situations like this. It would honestly be more effed in my opinion to badger

If they are bringing in $15M a year and he is 72, then half a billion is more than they would make in his lifetime unless he lives to be about 110. Forbes says his net worth before this was about $80M, so this makes a big difference in the total, if probably not in his lifestyle. Besides, he can probably come close to

That’s his resting rich face.

I imagine that’s the face I’d also make when I shit my pants upon getting $500M.

It’s going to be interesting because the strength of the show is getting 2 or more Roys or Roys in Law in a room together.
It’s hard to see a realistic way of that happening.

best thing about this show is i don’t really care about predicting what happens, i only care about how it happens when it happens and who it happens to.

As a black man who grew up with mostly women in my family, you have not truly been “read” or “cussed out” until it is done by a black woman. They will snatch your soul.

The gas station kid! Full body goosebumps. Kids are weirdos. Kids at night where they aren’t supposed to be are terrifying.

Can I use this as an excuse to get out of going to the gym?

As someone who actually does research for a living, it annoys me to no end how conspiratorial thinking is framed as “research.” To your point, though, online literacy and healthy skepticism are learned skills, ones that many people do not even develop until graduate school (full disclosure, I’m definitely guilty of

Framing how you counter it is just as important. For instance, my father-in-law is very Pro-Trump, very into passing around things on facebook, etc. and no college education, no natural skepticism beyond buying into conspiracies . I’ve had to sit him down and contextualize it. For instance, the “Coronavirus is a hoax

The wellness movement is largely built on the magical thinking we can control our fate with the correct behavior. Surely if we do enough yoga and eat only the correct things and find inner peace we’ll never ever get sick.

How? By deciding that mentioning that incident was the most important thing that needed to be done upon his death. I wonder when Bush 41 passed did she feel the need to mention his nickname while in the senate was “rubbers?” Will she mention Bill Clinton’s multiple affairs and alleged rapes when he dies? Funny how

I’ve been on Twitter a long time and yesterday late morning/afternoon was the wildest I’d ever seen it. The rush to be first to announce what happened to Kobe’s helicopter was ridiculous. Paid, professional grown ass journalists, who you’d assume would know better, were throwing out hot takes that were on the level of

Spiderman: Homeschooled.

Please take this comment back to 1997 where it belongs.

The Golden State Warriors blew a 3(-)1 lead.

Quincy just might be the messiest of messy bitches

Brace yourselves. The “Black Well, Actually” is coming.