
Glazer family inherited it from their father as well.

Amarillo Last Letter In The Drew Magary Funbags

Well the Buccaneers do have a skull as their logo...

When asked the real reason, Boogie said “It’s because they heard Laurel.”

Team Yanny.

I’m not saying we should eat the rich, but I bet this guy is well marbled.

Holy crap that’s hard to watch. Thank God he lived.

Sometimes the people who shout about it the most are the ones who are secretly flaming.

What you don’t see is that he has the player on top of a small vat of grapes, slowly mashing them so they can make delicious Hobo Grigio.

When asked what he was doing, Green replied “What I always do. Just kickin’ it.”

French-Canadian kissing is an acquired taste.

I’m going to need you to meet me in Temecula so that we can discuss this like adults.

Is this the plot to Pitch Perfect 4?

This is like asking about Trump’s legacy if he were to forget his Twitter password and didn’t tweet for a year. Just because you lay low and don’t spout off garbage opinions doesn’t mean that you don’t have garbage opinions.

And does his mom hang out with LeBron’s mom and Delonte West?

A compromise could still be reached though if Seattle just moves their stadium 15o miles north and Kaepernick stands for “O Canada”

Next step: hire little people as teachers so that the bats seem normal size.