God dammit Sega, why do you hurt me so much?
God dammit Sega, why do you hurt me so much?
@fuchikoma: Mine didn't have the label thing either. I got mine from amazon though.
@The_Virus: Awesome! It seemed to work great, thanks!
Kick-Ass looks like an awesome movie. The game, not so much. I'll try to be positive though and won't judge it until I play the demo at least.
You have a script, you have an engine, I don't mind if you use static background images and fixed camera angles like the original did. MAKE THAT SHIT HAPPEN. Jesus Christ, you've got more than enough manpower.
Oh god, please let this hit PS3! VF5 was good, but had some technical issues on PS3, this one could resolve those and add online play!
Heh, they look like bluray cases.
@mrpibb79: Perhaps ;)
I say Dudley, Ibuki, and Makoto for SSFIV to counterpoint Adon, Guy, and Cody from the SFA series.
@Alex_Mexico: It wasn't a bad game. People keep shitting on it like it is. It's an ok-to-good game, which nobody bought.
Neat! I'll probably pick this up. I never bought GTAIV though, can I play these without it?
Hmm, are the indie sales still going on?
@GohanGVO: Yep, I've been depressed about Kirby GC-erm, Wii now, for years.
@Archaotic: I know, when I first saw it, I could have sworn it was a bad photoshop. Kiryu looks confused being photographed with half of his head at a weird angle like that.
@Showmeyomoves!: That was AMAZING! I love the censor on the blood on the Origami.
That does not look fun.
@RawrSpoon: I shouldn't have thought that was as funny as I did. :)
@Shhteve: Oh yeah? Well, Day If I Can Get It One Day Before Shhteve Day!
Day 1.