
I would swallow my pride, go into Hot Topic amd make myself a 360 owner right now...

You've gotta be kidding me.

Yakuza 2! Been waiting on that since about 2006.

Thats a real shame. Oh well. I can wait 'til TGS for a release date.

I need about 400 copies of this game.

@Paustinj: Probably eBay now, but they were given out to certain people at the Fallout Demo in the main theater.

Not a Pip Boy! A vault boy!

Crecente, it's a shame you missed the Naked Snake and the Boss cosplayers. They were the best I saw yesterday, IMO. I didn't get a picture of them either, unfortunately, or I'd send it in.

@ArmyofJuan: South Africa is. And don't get pissed off over memories of being a kid.

My god. I've been a KoF fan since KoF 2000, but have fallen out of practice.

A remake? With RE4 Style controls? Keeping the low ammo fear of RE 2? My god, I need this to happen.

In my mind, online play in fighting games takes away a lot of the fun. I'm disappointed that they're having difficulty, but I'd rather play with my friends at home or at an arcade. Talking to someone with a headset just isn't the same. Anyway, the two matches I've played in SC4 were terribly laggy, and don't get me

This looks cool. Shame I don't have the laptop specifications to run the "quirky girl"...

Hmm, I'm considering picking up a JP 360 for all these damn Shoot em ups and RPGs.

@SpishackCola: It's a shame really, right now every exclusive RPG on the PS3 seems to be borderline hentai. []

Please let the PS3 exclusive be Red Dead Revolver 2! RDR was an absolutely brilliant piece of gaming, unfortunately ingnored by many.

I'm a huge Del Toro fan. Glad he knows his stuff when it comes to games. Hell, I bet he could actually pull off a Shadow of the Colossus movie.

Great. This feels like Nintendo's message to core gamers is: "Here's Brawl! Like those characters? You'll see em again in 2010!"