
So where the hell did all the color go? Part of the appeal of Dead Rising was the candy-colored violence amid a technicolor mall playgroud! The wii is supposed to have colorful games!

@Killer_WaLrUs: Ditto. That and the orchestrated version of the original BC's first area. Bionic Commando keeps looking better and better, but when does it come out?

" You know how to get a man mildly excited, Sega."

@PapaBear434: Don't say made by Sega. It's published by Sega. It was made by PLATINUM, formerly Clover, also known as Capcom's best talent.

So, where were the games?

I blame Nintendo's E3 presentation for this never reaching the states.

That looks pretty damn cool. Not sure about the voice over, but the gameplay looks incredibly hectic and fun.

Nice box. I actually like this one.

@Atheist Jew: I really, really agree. These look like ingames to me. Either way, they're really freakin pretty.

@108: Greatest sign ever! Except I probably couldn't read half the damn kanji.

@Kenofthedead: Also, Castlevania Judgement and Sonic Unleashed look like fun, IMO.

@Korey: Megaman freaking 9.

That Clown's supposed to fall on his chainsaws!

Why spoil a great game by making it seem like a movie tie in?

I find this IMPORT-WORTHY!

More Bionic Commando stuff for me? I couldn't be happier! Thanks Ben Judd!

Hell YES! I was so fucking close to importing this, I almost went mad. The game looks beautiful, the combat is awesome and it combines SRPG with action. I need this!

Fighters, SRPGs, JRPGS, and Action.

@tooji: Yay valve! Dangling the fake carrot of love in front of the console owners while riding the PC donkey. <-(Stolen almost verbatim from Spaced)