
Personally, the demo didn't really grab me, so I don't care.

This was incredibly entertaining. All it did was showcase how cool Big Boss was, but thats just fine for a fan video. I really liked the art style here.

@Spoony Bard: Hopefully Rock Band won't have to pull a "Rappin Rodney"

This looks great!

@Archaotic: Unfortunately, it seems that few developers do...

I would have been fine with that Sakurai!

I really wish I could go to this...

This whole affair was disgusting.

I love the Ryu ga Gotoku series, insta-import for me.

@Nirolak: There was Chrono Cross for PS1... it was a great game too...

I can't wait for this. I just got the first Resistance and have almost beaten it.

This is fantastic news!

@TheIrishNinja: Yeah, they need to be online. That just sucks, you should have seen my trying to add my friend today...

Damn, still can't play two games at once.

I like Turbonegro: fun, semi-crude, Norwegian punk rock. Good to see they're in nearly every music game of 2008-2009. Maybe they'll be in Ouendan 3...

@NX01: I heard it's the former.

@liquid_kore: I was guessing that it was the "MGS4 Ingame Exclusive Podcast" thing that I didn't listen to. Apparently, they'll release podcasts as time goes on, ingame, via the intarwebs. Thats as far as I listened to the podcast, because quite frankly, hearing somebody I don't know talk while I'm playing a video

Bad Plunkett! Ghost Babel was amazing!

Still need to do this...

@SupaPhly: There was apparently a typo on the Konami site. Although, there was a "typo" about Eternal Sonata on PS3 as well...