
It’s safer than falling down stairs. The safety guy where I work says you should never let anyone you love walk down a flight of stairs.

Most people don’t realize that the Mi-26 is about the size of a C-130.

Falling up the stairs happens to me, too. It hurts more. Like physics is punishing you for doing it wrong.

“Bombers don’t work out as the best cargo planes, either.”

Probably has more to do with the Army not wanting the humiliation of having to call in a shitter. Can’t give those jarheads the satisfaction...

Just bumped into this, now that’s crazy.

Some people have crazy tastes. I actually enjoy freeze dried food for the taste sometimes and will order it just to eat at home. I also enjoy some of the MREs and will eat them from time to time. I’m sure that if I had to live on it, it would become pretty bad pretty fast though. As it is, I’m not sure how people

Not even with MILK GRAVY???

Listening to this guy give gourmand-level reviews of military rations cracks me up. I’ve had packaged military meals from a lot of countries, and gone the better part of a year living on MREs two meals a day more than a few times in my life, and it was rarely a pleasure. It was subsistence. Even the Spanish

I’ve had pig brains. I wouldn’t want to try it again, even in pate form.

You fall UP the stairs?! Obey gravity. It’s the law.

“... with a beer in one hand and a toilet roll in the other”

Only textbook publishing, and for one summer :0

That is actually a huge relief to me. I was concerned that a legit publishing house agreed to print that crap.

I looked at the godawful cover art of the book, had a thought about “Who’s responsible for that crap?” and then realized it was independently published and I laughed and I laughed.

$55 is shocking, but that’s how Snyder rolls. His stadium is located in a wide open swath of suburban hell. They should pay you to go there. But, I paid the $55 like so many lazy lemmings. BTW: Great show.

To the point of the Orioles official’s testimony, there’s only one section of street that’s really blocked off for games, and it’s not exactly highly trafficked. Not an inch of sidewalk is ever impeded, nor does it ever need to be.


Yeah, the official site says “creaming.” *Shrugs*