
Let’s change Deadspin to the Drew Magary Memorial Sports Blog. 

I have not understood! What happened to Drew?

You buy distilled water which is boiled and bottled. Tap water can be contaminated at the faucet. 

I know Denmark has a list of approved names. Even here in the Land of the Free, most states will for the sake of practicality impose limits on what you can call name your spawn.

Natives in the tropics have been drinking coconut water for a long time. It is not a white thing.

The sad thing is when Pitt make ‘a football decision’ on Dupree he will understand LB’s fight. I admire LB’s courage...I wish I had an iota of his courage. 

Hey! Stop it. 

The 1950's were such a great time! 

May you be flooded with stars

When did veterans start owning the flag to exclusion of other Americans? The flag and the idea of America should be strong enough not to be challenged by kneeling. And, I am I am glad you agree with many positions of mainstream progressives... we really needed you.

Blood stains? Ask Ray Lewis. 

Blood stains? Ask Ray Lewis. 

This is a trick you MFs.

That was my concern, why go to the dealer for 2008 Fit?

I am guilt tripped taking a nap! I now counter with performing every task with incompetence and also ‘forgetting’. 

Try a wife, try a wife. Not only money but, time too. 

You have just given us a slogan... ‘I am too old to go to Waldorf’

So you are saying they are more educated than most of your colleagues?

He has earned over 54 million in his career. He will get a call.

I hate myself, I walked 5 miles and I was feeling good about myself until I read this. I am so genetically inferior that a day is coming when breathing will become a task and I will die in traffic. Yes, that is me by the side of the road, dead, on I-95.

Phil Mickelson...that is my answer.