
Just wait until we start arguing without reading what Tyler wrote.

Like milk, hate veal. I do not eat veal.

Oh, you of the Almond ‘milk’ lobby, here we go again. If you can not digest real animal milk as an adult you are weakling and you should be ashamed of yourself. However, seeing you have missed all the good things milk gives you I think you feel no shame.

She is your wife, she should drive nuts and occasionally throw things at your nuts.

We were arguing that colostrum is a type of milk, you were arguing that colostrum is a part of milk. Stay on subject.

I can not help you beyond this, all above things in milk, make that type of milk colostrum, just like the octane rating makes regular fuel or premium. Add something it becomes leaded. Consider your colostrum as premium milk for the racecar that is the new born baby and normal milk to be regular stuff for the normal

The raw milk crowd is the vaxxer crowd, or at least, they mostly intersect.

Colostrum is only for a short duration after birth. Where do you get the milk being higher is colostrum, when colostrum is milk?

You think the audience at CPAC has any taste? Those grifters are basically saying, “You are stupid and without class, so we will not put any effort in designing anything. Just give us your money.”

Read it in the voice of Doug Buffone. Was uplifting.

I am a Berner too. But at school I remember learning about ideal gases and real gases it has been my guiding philosphy, what is ideal and what is real. Ideally, I would like to have Bernie, but, unlike Gawker I am not going to tear down HRC. She is not perfect, however, always remember that she is not a republican.

What is tentacle... ? why has the world left me behind?

What is a stack... need answer now! before COTD

I want this

You are right, and, Beach Zombie is an example of the problem with the comment section here at FA ... lack of comprehension/nativism and misunderstanding of facts. Tyler produces a great read... they do not read/or read what they want to read and make off base comments.

It will require lots of mobilization to hit them hard enough. And, I think China will inform them of such mobilization and I do not think our current assets in SK and Japan are enough to overwhelm them in such a short order. In their case, they do not have to move anything to pound Seoul.

Please do tell. I am bored at work (boss is not there and i have to be boss today, I have no idea how to manage minions).

Hyundai Tiburon. They were Hyundai’s attempt at more expensive cars. The are underrated and molested by high schoolers. Unmolested ones will be classics.

Soft! low energy move. I threw mine on a pile of Guns

Like flies to shit, you Florida attracts them.